Exclusive Interview with Vice President Jesse M. Pierce: Jobs For America
Vice President Jesse M. Pierce discusses his “Jobs for America” act that will bring greater employment opportunities to American citizens.
Could you begin by telling me about your ambitious job policy reform?
It reforms the entire Job Policy as listed in the previously signed Multi Job Act. It allows citizens to either hold 2 Primary Jobs OR 2 Secondary Jobs. If they choose to hold TWO Primary Jobs, they can hold ONE secondary job. If they choose to hold TWO Secondary Jobs, they can hold ONE primary job. It’s simple. It also allows someone to work in a maximum of 3 positions in the private sector.
In the bill, you say that it incentives Americans to join different sectors. Doesn’t this bill just allow for that to be a possibility?
The incentive is the change. The change we needed as a country. When Americans learn of the possibility that they can work in more positions, they’ll act upon that opportunity.
While this bill may allow for more jobs to be held, do you believe Americans will take advantage of this opportunity?
I do. In a nation that’s grown so much over the recent months, I can only imagine the possibilities.
In the bill, you mention that jobs under the United States Secret Service will be moved to the secondary job category. If these people decide to get high-ranking federal jobs, who will be there to protect them? In many cases, it seems as if a shortage may occur.
As stated in the bill, they’ll be able to not only serve in either 2 Primary or 2 Secondary jobs, but non-SS agents will also now have the opportunity to apply for the USSS. The new possible influx of members applying for the USSS can equal out any sort of ‘shortage.’ Every part of the bill has a key point to benefit another part.
Adding onto what you had said previously about growth, what do you hope that this bill will achieve?
It will allow expanded opportunities, expanded interests, an incentive for more people to participate in the growth of the federal and private sector, and put Americans who WANT work, to work.
Final Notes from Vice President Pierce
I’d like to add that if any Americans have suggestions, would like a meeting, or would like to reach out and talk to me about my plans or this act specifically, my DMs are open.